Bicycles, Rollerblades, Scooters & Skateboard Policy

Bike racks are available at the school. Bikes are to be parked upon arrival; we recommend a lock. For safety reasons, students are expected to walk their bikes to the road and begin riding off school property.
Rollerblades, scooters and skateboards are able to be stored in designated areas. For safety reasons, they are not to be ridden on school walkways and property.
Students MUST wear helmets if using any of the above equipment in getting to and from school.
Lunch Hour Expectations
- We want lunchtime to be an enjoyable and safe time for students. As some students are sensitive to noise, conversational noise level is appropriate. Students should remain in their designated lunch area.
- Students should bring their own utensils and a refillable water bottle.
- Please bring a bag lunch – no microwave is available for student use.
- Breakfast is offered daily for students that wish to access it; bag lunches are also available should they be needed.
- Teachers join their classes to eat lunch. We have four noon hour supervisors who circulate through classes and provide playground supervision.
- Respectful and safe behaviour is expected over the lunch hour.
Playground Expectations
*Playground expectations apply before and after school, as well as during school.
Students are expected to go outside at recess for fresh air and exercise. Please dress appropriately for the weather! Outdoor footwear is needed, particularly when it is wet and or/snowy.
We use a bell to signal when recess is over; students are expected to come in as soon as they hear the bell. In some circumstances, students may remain in the school, with permission and under the supervision of school staff.
Our goal is to have an INCLUSIVE and happy playground:
- Students are expected to be kind, polite and respectful to others (adults and peers)
- Follow the pillars: Take care of yourself; Take care of others; Take care of this place.
- No sliding except on the playground slides for safety reasons.
- Practice good sportsmanship.
- Students will remain on school grounds unless parents have granted written permission for that day.
- Cell phones, video games, cameras, and personal music players (any personal electronic devices) are NOT to be used during school time (including recess) except under unique circumstances with staff permission.
- For everyone's safety, skateboards, bikes, etc. should be walked on school property.
Student Dress Code
J.A. Laird students and their parents are expected to support a learning environment where attire is appropriate and not distracting or offensive to others. Please note, we try our best to provide a scent-free environment to respect the health needs of others.
- Footwear is to be worn in the school.
- ALL students should have inside shoes.
- Outside shoes should not be worn in the school.
- Students should be dressed appropriately to participate in a variety of physical activities.
Students are to maintain the above standard of dress while on school property during regular school hours or while representing J.A. Laird Elementary School at any school sponsored function. Students may be asked to change to appropriate attire or cover the unacceptable area of attire.
If you would like a more detailed and specific list of what is and is not considered appropriate, or have any questions, please contact the school.