For Students

Bicycles, Rollerblades, Scooters & Skateboard Policy

image of a bike on a skateboard

Bicycles are to be parked at the bike racks on arrival to school.  They are not to be ridden in the school yard.  When leaving, students are to walk their bikes to the road and begin riding off school property. 

Rollerblades, scooters and skateboards are not allowed.  If a student uses this equipment to get to school, it must be stored once they reach the school grounds. ​

Students MUST wear helmets if using any of the above equipment in getting to and from school.


Lunch Hour Expectations    

  • Students are expected to remain seated (in a chair) during lunchtime. There should be NO wandering.
  • During lunchtime, classroom noise should be minimal.
  • Students need to bring their own utensils.
  • There is NO microwave available for student use.
  • Students are encouraged to bring a healthy lunch and snacks, including fresh fruits and vegetables and a refillable water bottle.
  • Failure to meet lunch hour expectations will result in removal from the classroom. Further violations will result in lunch at home for anywhere from one day to the remainder of the school year.
  • We have three noon hour supervisors who circulate through classes.

Playg​round Expectations

*Playground expectations apply before and after school, as well as during school.

Students are expected to go outside at recess for fresh air and exercise. They need to be dressed appropriately for the weather. (When it is cold, students should wear a warm coat, ski/snow pants, boots, mittens and hat. When it is wet, wear rubber boots, a rain coat and bring an umbrella. When it is hot, wear sunscreen and a hat.) Students should come in as soon as they hear the bell. Students may remain in the classroom only at the request and under the supervision of the teacher.

Our goal is to have an INCLUSIVE and happy playground.

  • Students are expected to be kind, polite and respectful to others (adults and peers)
  • Follow the pillars.
  • No sliding except on the playground slides.
  • Be a good sport.
  • Students are expected to be on school grounds. Permission from parents is required to leave school property during the day.
  • Cell phones, video games, cameras, and personal music players (any personal electronic devices) are NOT to be used during recess, unless under the direct supervision of a teacher.
  • Skateboards, bikes, etc. should not be ridden on school property.

Student Dress Code

J.A. Laird students and their parents are expected to support a learning environment where attire is appropriate and not distracting or offensive to others.  The school will determine if a student's dress is appropriate.​

  • Footwear is to be worn in the school.
    • ALL students should have inside shoes.    
    • Outside shoes should not be worn in the school.
  • Make-up is discouraged at school.
  • Short shorts, belly shirts and spaghetti straps are discouraged.

Students are to maintain the above standard of dress while on school property during regular school hours or while representing J.A. Laird Elementary School at any school sponsored function.  Students will be asked to change to appropriate attire or cover the unacceptable area of attire immediately.

All staff is committed to enforcing our dress code.

If you would like a more detailed and specific list of what is and is not considered appropriate, or have any questions, please contact the school.